Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Jesus Saves!

I saw this and it made my day!!
So thought I'd share it with you!



  1. That is AWESOME! It took me a minute, but I got it! Haha!

  2. Allison,

    Lori and I have a long-time friend who is a professional photographer who happens to be looking for someone to help her part-time for a couple of months. I'm not sure if you would be interested. But this woman is a tremendous photographer and a strong Christian and homeschooler to boot. I know that if you were interested and available that you could learn a lot from her. She is just an amazing person.

    I'm attaching a link to her request on Facebook. If you are interested. Contact her directly and feel free to use me as a reference. If, for whatever reason, it doesn't seem like a fit. No harm, no foul.

    Thank you for allowing me to be part of your fan-base! Keep your flags flying high, I am so incredibly proud of you.

    Here is a link to Julie's request, it will also lead you to her photography businesses Facebook page:

    Take care!

  3. Wow! Thank-you so much. I would certainly be interested!


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