Saturday, February 18, 2012


I used to not like piano. I think it was because I did not like to practice or I wanted to get to the good stuff and be able to play pretty songs and not bother with the scales. I love playing now. I have taken a long break because of school but would like to start taking lessons again(: Reading music is not easy for me): I do however love making up my own songs and playing by ear. I have just finished a song that I have worked on and played around with for a while. I finally got around to taping it!! So here it is. It is not the best, but it is my first made up song that I have actually memorized and kinda like. I hope to get better and than make really cool songs!! Also, I need to name it, so if you have any ideas let me know.


p.s. I would have uploaded the movie right here but blogger would not allow it. Probably because it was longer. If you have trouble seeing the video let me know.


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. Ally!!!! This is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! =D <3

  2. That's a great start! Nice steady pace and good timing.


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