Friday, August 3, 2012

Yellowstone Part 1

I have kinda been putting this post off because of the amount of pictures I took and not wanting to edit all of them(: But I did want to share with you what we did and saw. I can't really call the whole trip Yellowstone since that is not the only place we went to on our trip, but it is just easier to say that(:  So here it goes! 


Day 1
leaving early

Now in Nevada

Crazy good eggs, bacon, and cheese wrapped in spinach tortilla burritos!

Bryce National Park in Utah

Day 2
another early morning

In Idaho

Shopping at Wall-Mart

Our second hotel


  1. Lovely pictures Allison! Looks like you had a wonderful trip. That is a Mormon Temple in your picture. The golden "guy" on top is Moroni.

  2. Thank-you both(:
    Okay, thanks Mrs. Rupprechet, I wasn't sure what to call it! Now I know what that thing on top is called.

  3. Gorgeous pictures, Ally!! The colors in some of them (especially the third and second from the bottom) are absolutely stunning! =D

  4. Those were amazing. I definitely loved the one where the sun was behind the cloud between the tall trees. =D

  5. I LOVE 22, 27, 70, and 76! :) I am glad you enjoyed your trip! Can't wait to see more pictures. :)

  6. Wow . . so enjoyed those! I especially liked the one of your dad driving with the camera on his lap. :P So many were "postcard quality", little missy.


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