Saturday, August 25, 2012

Gram cracker, chocolate, marshmallow yumminess!

My friend Christy and I made up a recipe the other day. It was too hot to do any real baking, so we came up with this dessert. It is like s'mores since it has the same ingredients, but we did stuff differently.


Graham crackers
* the amounts of ingredients depend on the pan and how sweet you want to go


first of all we made it up as we went, and you can too!

we were going to lay the crackers down but decided to crumble them instead.
What ever works for you

we added a little butter to the mix to help it stick together better.

after pouring the mix into the pan,( you want it to cover the whole bottom) melt the chocolate and pour it on top. Spreading it was kinda a mess. But it's okay if the chocolate and crackers mix because after you put it in the oven, and let it sit for a while it will harden again.

Next grab some mellows and melt them in the microwave

this will probably be hard to spread. When marshmallows are melted, they are like extreme spiderwebs.
Anyway, just do the best you can

Then turn on the oven broiler and watch the dessert carefully(:
If you notice, there are some whole mellows in there. That is because we would have had to melt more marshmallow and it was easier to just put the whole ones in since it was hard to spread.

after a few minutes, it should have some golden brown on it and then your ready to take it out of the oven.
Now you can add the caramel or any other toppings you want.
Pretty easy, yeah?

Just to warn you, it is very sweet.
If you want to, you can also add nuts or nutella or anything else that you'd like!
Have fun


  1. I'm just about dying over her, Ally!!! lol Can you start saving me some every time the two of you bake something?????? PLEASE??? Pretty please, dear Ally?? <3 haha Seriously though!! =D

  2. Lol. well we will make something next time we get together okay?(:


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