Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I is a Homeschoolin' Student

I know school is over and many of you may not want to read papers, but I though you guys would enjoy this one. It is a Procon essay. My topic? Homeschooling. I wrote this paper near the end of my English semester. 



I is a Homeschoolin’ Student
             “Do you have any friends?”; “Is your mom certified?”; “Is that legal?” “So where do you go to school” must be the most asked question that kids ask each other. They know everyone by the schools they go to. So when asked, “Where do you go to school?” the one asking the question is sometimes taken aback because I answer, “I am homeschooled.” I have to laugh when people ask me these questions. To some, homeschooling is a novelty and to others, an unknown type of education. “Why do you homeschool,” is a more reasonable question I get asked. Although some may have doubts about this type of education, the ability to go at one’s own pace, learning responsibility through flexibility, and true freedom of religion, just three important benefits of homeschooling, out-weigh any problems or arguments one may have against it.
For some, leaning at one’s own pace makes a difference in their education. Children who have to rush throughout their schooling learn nothing, and waste not only their own time, but the time of their teachers. The parents decide on the student’s load and can adapt it to their needs, when homeschooling. Classes tailored to the specific student benefit them making sure they learn what they need to without overwhelming them, giving them an excellent education. With this type of education many who have struggled in certain areas have succeeded. Admittedly, parents must do a tremendous amount of work to personally change and adapt the curriculum to the each child’s needs however, the effort to better their education is priceless if the student not only understands but excels in their education. This ability even helps those who do not need any curriculum adjustments, to excel in their studies, allowing them to progress quickly and graduate high school faster than normal. A child’s education will be greatly impacted and improved if they can learn at a comfortable pace, helping them to receive quality education.
            Another important benefit of homeschooling includes flexibility. Homeschooling has allowed me to visit my grandpa at the hospital and spend precious time with him and then catch up on school later. I have also had the ability to go with my daddy on several business trips and even work on school while camping, due to new technology such as up-to-date computers, wireless internet, and headphones. Instead of sitting in a school room all day, this flexibility also allows me to experience new things every day. Homeschooling gives children breathing room and while doing so teaches them responsible which helps them think ahead and plan. Once kids have mastered this responsibility, they can work independently, an extremely important life skill. As children become organized, they are free to do other things and spend more time with their families. Though other types of learning are not as flexible, one of Homeschooling’s many assets is just that, flexibility in accommodating the needs of the family. So what keeps many from choosing it? Even though it may seem the best way to go, the cost may hold some parents back. Unlike public school, homeschooling is not free. Parents must continue to pay public schools even though their children do not attend and they must get their own curriculum which can add up. The inadequacy to teach might also prevent parents from teaching their children at home. However, an unlimited amount of online classes and co-op groups can aid and encourage a parent along. Homeschooling is worth it all. While homeschooling, children learn responsibility and through that, how to work independently. This accommodating schooling allows kids to experience the everyday life and activities that others usually do not.         
            One of the great benefits of homeschooling is true freedom. Freedom from pure pressure and freedom of religion are just two of the ways homeschooling can be liberating. Kids who have no pure pressure can focus better in school and because of freedom of religion, parents can teach their children from a biblical world view, something that schools do not do or allow. They can pick out the curriculum that suits them and their children best. The numerous amounts of curriculum can overwhelm parents though. As many experienced homeschoolers can guide and coach a new parent in this area, this no longer creates a problem. Some might say that homeschoolers are too sheltered and do not know much about the world. Although somewhat true, too much exposer to the world can be detrimental. However, kids should learn about other religions and worldviews to help them prepare for the real world. While homeschooling, parents can limit how much they expose their children to the world’s view while keeping the Christian worldview in perspective. That is one of the many freeing benefits of homeschooling, the ability to choose how to prepare one’s children for the real world.
“Why do you homeschool,” the nurse, at the hospital where I volunteered, asked me curiously. “Well, my parents decided homeschooling would benefit me more than going to public school.” Still very curious she questioned, “Do you like homeschooling,” and after an affirmative from me, she did not hesitate to ask yet again, “So would you recommend homeschooling?” “Yes, although it takes a great amount of work and patients on the parents part, and cooperation from the whole family, it is worth it. I love homeschooling and feel I have not missed out but rather gained the upper hand of education because I have learned at home,” and thus ended my conversation with my friend. Homeschooling, so much more than another way to learn, creates an environment where responsibility can flourish, where learning at ones pace does not slow one down but speeds them up in the long run, and families have the liberty to do what they think best for their children. Without a doubt, the many benefits that come with homeschooling out rule and overthrow any arguments people may ha against this form of education. 


  1. Great points, Ally! I would completely agree! =D

  2. Ahhhh, this paper was amazing! I remember proof reading it for you. =)
    Love it! =D

    1. Thank-you! And thanks for proofing it for me too(:

  3. I couldn't agree more. And the paper was SO easy to read! Nice! =D


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