Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dying Easter Eggs

Yesterday(Tuesday), Matty and I went our Aunt Cy's and Uncle Rick's house to dye eggs. We have had this tradition for as long as I can remember! It was great to see them and our cousins again(:




My Aunt got some really cute kits which she put together(:

My panda! I glued the eyes on but it was too runny. So my panda looks more like a picasso(:

My eggs

Matty's eggs

Matty and Uncle Rick driving their remote control cars


  1. Cool pics, Ally! Looks like fun! All of your eggs were so cool! XD

  2. Wow!!!!! Those are sooo cool!! I have only dyed Easter Eggs.... ONCE. =\
    But you are totally professional! Can I take lessons?? =P

  3. Lol! thanks. It's pretty easy to do.I would love to dye eggs with you(:


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